Leibster Award Nomination


Wow, exciting news – I am fairly new to blogging and the lovely LovingHomeMade has now nominated me for this award. Firstly thank you very much for this, I feel very special and honoured! If you like food and cooking and eating (ha!) then be sure to check out the delicious goodies over there.

It has taken me about a week to get organised on this one –Β  I’ve only been blogging for less than a month and I am still finding myself in the wonderland that is the world of blogging, with all the amazing and interesting people and stories out there, so it has taken me a while to think about my nominations.

So lets see, now I have to make sure I have met all the rules and in turn, nominate other bloggers I think are worthy recipients. The rules are:

1. Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.

2. Acknowledge that blogger on your blog and link back.

3. Answer the 11 questions proposed by the blogger who nominated you.

4. Select 11 people for the award.

5. Pose 11 new questions to the new nominees.

6. Copy and paste the award on your blog somewhere.

Yippee…Β  away we go! My questions and answers are:

1. Sun or snow?

Hard one straight away – I love the sun but right now snow is still a huge novelty for me, so I’ll go with snow. I was lucky enough to see & play in some in the French alps not long ago… wonderful stuff!

2. Facebook or Twitter?

Facebook. I just can’t get the hang of twitter yet. Too much happening.

3. Fruit or vegetables?

Fruit. I do love both, but I figured that since fruit can be fresh or cooked, in sweet or savoury dishes, that will have to be my overall choice. I do love cooked fruits of all kinds.

4. Dogs or cats?

Cats. But I’m not against dogs either.

5. Exercise outside or in the gym?

Outside definitely. A 3 hour cycle is a lot more fun outside than in a gym!

6. Fame or fortune?

Of these two I would have to say fortune. I’m naturally an introvert so I think fame would drive me crazy. And of course you can do a lot of good with a fortune πŸ˜‰

7. SaltΒ and vinegar or cheese and onion?

Salt and vinegar. Especially on chips.

8. Book or magazine?

Book. Lots of them. I’ve been a bookworm since a was a young child and I’m always lamenting I don’t have enough time to read enough books.

9. Boat or plane?

Plane. As a child I wanted to be a jet pilot for a while and I still think it would be exciting to learn to fly. Maybe in the next life…

10. Thriller or rom-com?

Rom-com for me, but I do like the occasional thriller. I don’t like horror and gore… no thank you, you can keep scary movies thanks!

11. White or dark chocolate?

White. No, dark. No.. white. Oh… unfair, its chocolate!!

NOW – the people I have selected for this award, they are a mix of food, cycling, travel and otherwise inspirational people who I look forward to reading. And the questions they have to answer are below….ready, set,Β  GO!!

My French Heaven

Tosh and Tomatoes



A Lot on Your Plate

Cycling and Stuff

Life is Short. Eat Hard

Homemade Delish


Back On Track In The Kitchen

Expat Chef in Barcelona

Your questions:

1. Who was your favourite pet?

2. If you could do anything and be paid for it, what would it be?

3. What is your all-time favourite, above-all-else- food?

4. What was the best present you ever received?

5. What was the best present you ever gave?

6. If there is anything you regret so far in life, what is it?

7. If you could go back and tell your 10-year old self one thing, what would it be?

8. What is guaranteed to put you to sleep?

9. What makes you laugh the most?

10. What is your favourite movie?

11. If you could only choose one music album to listen to for the rest of your life, what would it be?


  1. Sorry it’s taken me so long to acknowledge this … up to my eyes in stuff! Thanks very much for the nomination. I will get round to doing the next bit πŸ™‚

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